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MPU is the abbreviation for “medical psychological examination”, erroneously referred to as “idiot test” in the vernacular. Few sufferers know exactly what is at stake in this seemingly insurmountable obstacle and how it runs.

In this section of our website , we will answer to the most important Questions around the MPU:

Die Behörde geht in diesen Fällen davon aus, dass eine Gefahr für andere Verkehrsteilnehmer besteht. Die charakterliche Eignung zum Führen eines Fahrzeugs wird infrage gestellt und infolgedessen wird die Fahrerlaubnis entzogen.


Bei der MPU wird schließlich überprüft, ob sich Einstellungs- und Verhaltensmuster sowie problematische Trink- und Drogenkonsumgewohnheiten so weit geändert haben, dass eine gefahrlose Teilnahme am Straßenverkehr wieder möglich ist.


Mit dem Verlust der Fahrerlaubnis sind häufig auch soziale Folgen verbunden, so z.B. das Risiko, die Arbeit zu verlieren, wenn diese den Führerschein voraussetzt, wie dies bei LKW-, Taxi- und Busfahrern sowie Außendienstmitarbeitern und Mitarbeitern des mobilen Pflegedienstes der Fall ist. Oft ist der Arbeitsplatz angesichts schlechter Verbindungen mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln nur mit dem Kfz zu erreichen.

What is a MPU?

MPU is the abbreviation for “medical psychological examination”.


The MPU is an officially or judicially arranged procedures, is to be tested with whether one is suitable to drive a vehicle on the road.


Unlike the normal driving test it The case essentially not about the review of knowledge or skill, but to your suitability of character. The arrangement for medical psychological examination takes place, if there are doubts on a personal suitability were awakened, for recordable by drugs, alcohol, traffic and criminal offenses.

Ass I pass the MPU?

Is it possible to pass the MPU without preparation?


They are confronted with an issue whose sequence and structure is unknown to them. Due to the complexity of the investigation, it is very unlikely that they can complete the MPU successfully without professional advice.


The failure rate without consulting is well above 50%! Our advice: Without a detailed preparation and advice, you should not compete, after all, we are talking about your driving.


Things to watch out!

In the market of MPU Preparer there are many black sheep. Ziegler and Lehnhart (2012) * recommended in this context to a go MPU Preparer, who once worked as a traffic psychological evaluators because you can benefit from the expertise and extensive knowledge here.


We employ only qualified psychologists and former MPU-assessor. In the section “About us / Team” You can take a look at the qualifications and skills of our traffic psychology consultant.


* Lehnhart, U. & Ziegler, H. (2012). MPU – What you need to know. Munich: Beck.


A motorist has repeatedly noticed with drinking and driving, or even with a number of parts per thousand parts per thousand or more 1.6. This value applies to drinking and driving by bike. Traffic anomalies under the influence of alcohol represent 58 percent of all assessment cases.

​In Abhängigkeit vom Anlass des Führerscheinentzugs werden die psychologischen und ärztlichen Gutachter*innen aufgefordert, bestimmte Fragestellungen zu beantworten. Einige dieser Fragestellungen sind beispielhaft im Folgenden aufgeführt:

  • “Ist zu erwarten, dass der/die Betroffene auch zukünftig ein Kraftfahrzeug unter Alkoholeinfluss führen wird?“

  • “Kann der/die Betroffene trotz der Hinweise auf Drogenmissbrauch/Drogenabhängigkeit ein Kraftfahrzeug sicher führen?“

  • “Ist zu erwarten, dass der/die Betroffene ein Kraftfahrzeug unter dem Einfluss von Betäubungsmitteln oder anderen psychoaktiven Stoffen oder deren Nachwirkungen führen wird?“

  • “Ist trotz der aktenkundigen Straftaten, Die auf ein erhöhtes Aggressionspotenzial schließen lassen, zu erwarten, dass der/die Untersuchte die körperlichen und geistigen Anforderungen an das sichere Führen eines Kraftfahrzeugs im Straßenverkehr erfüllt?“

What is a MPU?

MPU is the abbreviation for “medical psychological examination”.


The MPU is an officially or judicially arranged procedures, is to be tested with whether one is suitable to drive a vehicle on the road.


Unlike the normal driving test it The case essentially not about the review of knowledge or skill, but to your suitability of character. The arrangement for medical psychological examination takes place, if there are doubts on a personal suitability were awakened, for recordable by drugs, alcohol, traffic and criminal offenses.

What is a MPU?

MPU is the abbreviation for “medical psychological examination”.


The MPU is an officially or judicially arranged procedures, is to be tested with whether one is suitable to drive a vehicle on the road.


Unlike the normal driving test it The case essentially not about the review of knowledge or skill, but to your suitability of character. The arrangement for medical psychological examination takes place, if there are doubts on a personal suitability were awakened, for recordable by drugs, alcohol, traffic and criminal offenses.

What is a MPU?

MPU is the abbreviation for “medical psychological examination”.


The MPU is an officially or judicially arranged procedures, is to be tested with whether one is suitable to drive a vehicle on the road.


Unlike the normal driving test it The case essentially not about the review of knowledge or skill, but to your suitability of character. The arrangement for medical psychological examination takes place, if there are doubts on a personal suitability were awakened, for recordable by drugs, alcohol, traffic and criminal offenses.

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